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Monday, October 10, 2011


OHHHHH Monday..... 

 I am linking up with Carissa again for Miscellany Monday

- ONE-
This past week off from school was full of a lot of movies, and nothingness.  I am so thankful for the time to relax, think about all that we have overcome and look forward for all that is to come! 

As usual my countdown is below, but I just realized that I only have 9.5 weeks left of school... can I get an AMEN?! and that includes Thanksgiving! I am so excited.  This semester has been full of busy work, which I typically don't mind, but seriously besides the leadership clinicals I have gained no new information, and that is irritating.  For example, I have been sitting here all day writing about the air and water quality of Lynchburg Virginia... really ?! Oh well... it's almost over! 

A shout out for those who make lists.... I am an avid list maker- in fact I typically make lists for my lists.  If any of you know my mother, you shouldn't be surprised.  For as long as I can remember Mom always made Ashley and I lists, hence why days off from school weren't that great in the McPherson household.  All kidding aside, I am thankful! 


I have been working on my Day Zero project all weekend... you basically create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days.  Jason and I have been collaborating all weekend, so be looking for that this week, hopefully! 

As usual I will end with my countdown:
My birthday: 14 days
Thanksgiving: 45 days
Graduation: 67 days 
Christmas: 76 days 

More on our journey next time, 

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