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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Happy Wednesday everyone! 

Linking up as always here for What I'm loving Wednesday

First of all, i am loving that it is Wednesday, half way through this week, and only half a week until the weekend.  Recently, I have began to really long for the weekends and the sweet time with my husband.  it is not very often that I get to spend more than 3 hours or so a day with him, so the weekends are treasured.  I am so thankful for my man, his heart and how much he loves me! 

i am thankful that it is the first Wednesday of the month, which means that its is elder led prayer tonight at church.  Jason and I have been a part of many churches (and miss a lot of people- shout out to our community group) but we are really thankful to be a part of something bigger than ourselves at The Village.

A few Pinterest finds this week:
 love the grey! 


My sister, Ashley, and I have decided we need these..... thankful she has a machine that can make that happen! 



I am loving the possibility of seeing my parents next week and the guarantee of seeing my sister! I am thankful for the time with my family and treasure the countless phone calls during the last few weeks.  I've said it before, but family really is everything! 

I have been so thankful for the weather this week It has been beautiful in the upper 70's and it even hit 80 yesterday! Although I'm sure I will be missing the Virginia weather this summer, this week I am very thankful for the warmth! It has been a week of leaving the door open, windows down and short sleeves.  

Hope you are all having a fantastic week! 

More on our journey next time,


  1. I really love the second room you posted, and the apple pies which really are apples!

    1. I know! Don't the apples look good!!! I will have to try them this week and post how they turn out! Thanks for reading!
